
I am the Executive Director of the Labor Dynamics Institute at Cornell University, and a Senior Research Associate in the Economics Department of Cornell University. I work with the Research and Methodology Directorate at the U.S. Census Bureau on a variety of projects. I have the honor of participating in multiple data access center committees (CRDCN🇨🇦, CASD🇫🇷). Since 2018, I am the American Economic Association‘s Data Editor, and Co-Chair, Innovations in Data and Experiments for Action (IDEA) Initiative at J-PAL. At the Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, I am the Managing (executive) Editor. I wrapped up my tenure on the American Statistical Association‘s Committee on Privacy and Confidentiality as chair in 2021,  having been a member since 2016.

Papers, publication, previous projects, etc. can be found on the CV or on this other page.

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